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? Milestones ensure Dowse upgrade running to schedule
? The state of the government ? the commandments
? Waikanae group ride turns gutbuster
? Movember reign for album launch
? Hutt hit hardest by property slump
? Hutt side wins inaugural soccer festival
? Nick?s running here
? Bowls NZ works on numbers game
? Petone spring only source of unchlorinated water for Hutt
? Council to survey Hutt about needs of the elderly
? Councils too close to Exide?
? Thanks for everything...for nothing
? Eastbourne waiting for final Korohiwa decision
? Who forgot to send the application?
? Wns my nxt tryn?
? Glass half empty?
? Empire keeps licence, loses hours
? Reading, writing and rhythm at Central
? Jackson Street hit in next-generation tagging spree
? The Jackson Street Mile and Nick Willis
? Thief launches carpark attack on 87-year-old
? Are petrol prices killing us?

Story Image
Many had a reading age well below their actual age. However, after concentrated efforts to monitor and improve comprehension and numerical competency, the results have jumped.

Reading, writing and rhythm at Central
By Tim O?Connell

Petone Central School students celebrated academic success last week the best way they knew how at a special community hui. ? ? The purpose of the hui was to show parents the academic leap forward students had made over the course of the year. Principal Matua Iosua Esera presented the students? progress with graphs highlighting the difference between the start of 2008 and term three. Concerns had been raised by teachers and parents after testing in term one revealed many children were well below the national average in reading and maths. Many had a reading age well below their actual age. However, after concentrated efforts to monitor and improve comprehension and numerical competency, the results have jumped. All the kids are now reading on or above the national average. Given that the school also has a strong full immersion programme, these results also applied to pupils? grasp of Maori. Mr Esera was delighted at the students? efforts. He heaped particular praise on the year eight students, who he believed would continue to grow as they make the move to secondary school in 2009. ?When they leave here to go to college next year, they?ll be doing more than just going to eat lunch.? After the presentation the kids themselves came out to perform several items for assembled friends and family. The school choir performed two well-rehearsed tunes, before the Pasifika and Kapahaka groups brought some intense cultural fervour to close the evening out. Mr Esera highlighted the importance of cultural activities in the school?s curriculum for the children. ??It?s important that (students) know where they come from, isn?t it? ?That way they can get an idea of where they want to go.?

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