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LOCAL? ? Celebrating Petone?s sporting legacy
? Seamless library access coming soon
? Volunteer Wellington inundated with requests
? Local parks to host active days
? Petone Lions Club on the front foot
? Transmission Gully blue sky gazing
? Why?s it named that, what does it mean?
? Maungaraki band rocks the fluro socks off
? Original Wahine mast stands again
? It?s Resolution Time?
? One day school for gifted children
? Tax-payers to fund $1.5 billion broadband roll-out
? Slowing immunisation rates tackled locally
? Sportsville in action stumps clubs
? Future promising for enviro-schemes
? Home-grown bowls champions
? Granada-Petone road defunct
? The $14 million clean-up

Granada-Petone road defunct
Bolstering the concerns of Hutt City Mayor David Ogden, Petone Community Board chairperson Gerald Davidson says the Petone to Granada link road should not be a priority for the NZTA.

Maungaraki band rocks the fluro socks off
The Maungaraki band Fluro startled the Battle of the Bands judges recently with not only their attire but also a rocking performance.

Celebrating Petone?’s sporting legacy
2010 is a big year for Petone sport.

Original Wahine mast stands again
?“We were driving back to Wellington from the Waikato when we heard about it, I just couldn?’t believe a New Zealand ferry had sunk, this was not some third world country, ferries don?’t just sink,?” says Eastbourne Community Board chairperson Ian Young.

The $14 million clean-up
The $14 million clean-up of Waiwhetu Stream went into a tail-spin shortly before Christmas, but the two councils funding the project are positive it?’s back on track.

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