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? Eastbourne on a roll in bowls action
? Eastbourne school gets finalist nod
? Milestones ensure Dowse upgrade running to schedule
? The state of the government ? the commandments
? Waikanae group ride turns gutbuster
? Movember reign for album launch
? Hutt hit hardest by property slump
? Hutt side wins inaugural soccer festival
? Nick?s running here
? Bowls NZ works on numbers game
? Petone spring only source of unchlorinated water for Hutt
? Council to survey Hutt about needs of the elderly
? Councils too close to Exide?
? Thanks for everything...for nothing
? Eastbourne waiting for final Korohiwa decision
? Who forgot to send the application?
? Wns my nxt tryn?
? Glass half empty?
? Empire keeps licence, loses hours
? Reading, writing and rhythm at Central
? Jackson Street hit in next-generation tagging spree
? The Jackson Street Mile and Nick Willis
? Thief launches carpark attack on 87-year-old
? Are petrol prices killing us?

Movember reign for album launch
By Tim O?Connell

While comical facial hair on kiwi males will help raise awareness of two serious men?s health this month, a local musician intends to provide a less furry method of fundraising. Growers of heroic handlebars and meritorious moustaches will be doing their bit for two worthy causes this Movember- as the popular men?s health fundraiser gets underway for 2008. While the proceeds from Movember will once again go towards prostate cancer research, this year the efforts of the nation?s ?mo bros? will also help to raise awareness for men?s depression. Competing as a team or individually, participants begin the month of November clean shaven, and then grow their moustache as best they can over the subsequent thirty days. But as razors around Hutt prepare to rust over in the upcoming month, some people have opted to find alternative means to do their bit in fighting prostate cancer and depression. One of those is Korokoro musician and keen orchardist Sean O?Connor. As reported in the Petone Herald in July, Mr O?Connor spent time living in Nashville, Tennessee, where he performed his eclectic style of music with his wife Amanda. With the release of his album The Real Me set for this month, Mr O?Connor is holding a concert at the Little Theatre in Lower Hutt on November 22, with partial proceeds going to the Movember cause.? In its two years of existence in New Zealand, money raised by the fundraiser has jumped from $880,000 to over $2.1 million last year.

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