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LOCAL? ? Celebrating Petone?s sporting legacy
? Seamless library access coming soon
? Volunteer Wellington inundated with requests
? Local parks to host active days
? Petone Lions Club on the front foot
? Transmission Gully blue sky gazing
? Why?s it named that, what does it mean?
? Maungaraki band rocks the fluro socks off
? Original Wahine mast stands again
? It?s Resolution Time?
? One day school for gifted children
? Tax-payers to fund $1.5 billion broadband roll-out
? Slowing immunisation rates tackled locally
? Sportsville in action stumps clubs
? Future promising for enviro-schemes
? Home-grown bowls champions
? Granada-Petone road defunct
? The $14 million clean-up

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New Zealand Fire Service

This extensive site provides information about our organisation, our people, our role, our equipment, latest news, recruitment, building requirements, latest fire safety campaigns and our publications.


Wellington Free Ambulance

The only recognised free ambulance service in a major New Zealand city, has been assisting the people of greater Wellington since 1927. An Incorporated Society run by its own board of management, WFA is an essential service provider for the community, committed to providing the highest quality clinical care in emergency situations, pre-hospital care, rescue and transport services.

Wellington Free Ambulance
P O Box 601,
Ph: 64 4 499 9909
Fax: 64 4 499 3777


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