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? Eastbourne on a roll in bowls action
? Eastbourne school gets finalist nod
? Milestones ensure Dowse upgrade running to schedule
? The state of the government ? the commandments
? Waikanae group ride turns gutbuster
? Movember reign for album launch
? Hutt hit hardest by property slump
? Hutt side wins inaugural soccer festival
? Nick?s running here
? Bowls NZ works on numbers game
? Petone spring only source of unchlorinated water for Hutt
? Council to survey Hutt about needs of the elderly
? Councils too close to Exide?
? Thanks for everything...for nothing
? Eastbourne waiting for final Korohiwa decision
? Who forgot to send the application?
? Wns my nxt tryn?
? Glass half empty?
? Empire keeps licence, loses hours
? Reading, writing and rhythm at Central
? Jackson Street hit in next-generation tagging spree
? The Jackson Street Mile and Nick Willis
? Thief launches carpark attack on 87-year-old
? Are petrol prices killing us?

Matt Report Waikanae group ride turns gutbuster
By Tim O?Connell

The small milestones have continued to tumble since we last touched base with Matt Oliver, while a challenging Tour of Waikanae offered the chance to gauge his form. Just over one year out from the 2009 Taupo Cycle Challenge and Matt Oliver has plenty to be buoyant in terms of meeting his goals for October. Most impressively, he has managed to slash over thirty five minutes off his regular 50km training ride to Upper Hutt since beginning his quest in June. Another milestone of note is the continued drop in weight that Matt has experienced in the last four months, which he puts down to an improved diet as much as his training regime. While 100kg is still the target, Matt was delighted to inform the Petone Herald he had come within 3kg of the weight he was on his wedding day - 14 years ago. Matt?s team has managed to keep a regular schedule for their group rides, although time constraints have meant that numbers have fluctuated at various occasions. Nevertheless, a core group of three have ensured that ?Oliver?s Army? has maintained some cohesion, with a recent ride from Maungaraki to Miramar affording some spectacular views of the Kaikoura Range. Matt?s efforts seem to have also caught on in the Oliver household, with his wife recently buying a new bike, as well as daughter Lucy, six, competing in a 10km ride two weeks ago. ?I was there at the finish to see her and the look of determination to get there was just amazing,? said a clearly proud Matt. However, not everything worthwhile is accomplished easily, as Matt found out during his maiden group ride, in the 75km Tour of Waikanae. Despite his exceptional progress in training, the event?s higher level of intensity proved an eye opener for the Maungaraki father of two. ?Unfortunately I went out too hard, and then could not match it with the bunch I was in. ?I fell off the pace and after 40km I was suffering from quite bad cramps.? Although the pain caused him to withdraw from the race, Matt took plenty of positives from his first big race. ?I learnt a huge amount about how to work within a bunch, and what not to do in future.? Matt will have an opportunity to find out how much he has learnt very shortly, when he competes in the 48km Martinborough Charity Fun Ride on November 9.

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