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LOCAL? ? Celebrating Petone?s sporting legacy
? Seamless library access coming soon
? Volunteer Wellington inundated with requests
? Local parks to host active days
? Petone Lions Club on the front foot
? Transmission Gully blue sky gazing
? Why?s it named that, what does it mean?
? Maungaraki band rocks the fluro socks off
? Original Wahine mast stands again
? It?s Resolution Time?
? One day school for gifted children
? Tax-payers to fund $1.5 billion broadband roll-out
? Slowing immunisation rates tackled locally
? Sportsville in action stumps clubs
? Future promising for enviro-schemes
? Home-grown bowls champions
? Granada-Petone road defunct
? The $14 million clean-up

One day school for gifted children

Many New Zealanders don?t like the word ?gifted?. However, it is the internationally accepted term for those capable of performing within the top five percent in at least one area. The Gifted Education Centre is NZ's longest-running organisation specialising in programmes to meet the diverse needs of gifted learners. They offer 'Small Poppies' (for pre-schoolers), a One Day School(ODS) programme and GO (Gifted Online) an on-line version for students who cannot reach a ODS venue; provide information and guidance for parents; offer Professional Development for teachers; support research in this field; promote community understanding; lobby government; present conferences, etc. Working in partnership with the child?s regular school, the ODS programme addresses both their educational and social-emotional needs. Children enrolled in the programme spend one full school day each week at one of the ODS venues, working with children of about the same age and high ability level, under the guidance of a specially trained teacher. The other four days they attend their regular school. This programme caters for children from the age of six years until the end of Year 8. For further information visit or phone the Wellington co-ordinator on 232 3523.

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