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LOCAL? ? Celebrating Petone?s sporting legacy
? Seamless library access coming soon
? Volunteer Wellington inundated with requests
? Local parks to host active days
? Petone Lions Club on the front foot
? Transmission Gully blue sky gazing
? Why?s it named that, what does it mean?
? Maungaraki band rocks the fluro socks off
? Original Wahine mast stands again
? It?s Resolution Time?
? One day school for gifted children
? Tax-payers to fund $1.5 billion broadband roll-out
? Slowing immunisation rates tackled locally
? Sportsville in action stumps clubs
? Future promising for enviro-schemes
? Home-grown bowls champions
? Granada-Petone road defunct
? The $14 million clean-up

Granada-Petone road defunct

Bolstering the concerns of Hutt City Mayor David Ogden, Petone Community Board chairperson Gerald Davidson says the Petone to Granada link road should not be a priority for the NZTA. ?There is no need for that at all; I can?t see how that will take the load off State Highway One. ?The problem is all their evidence is based on anecdotal information,? says Mr Davidson. He says most commuter traffic coming into Wellington exits at Newlands and Johnsonville, and truck drivers would have problems with the steep inclines between Petone and Granada. ?I can?t see what is gained from that, [truck drivers] would make more use of SH58. ?Long distance truck drivers say they don?t use SH58 because it is so awkward to drive,? he says. Meanwhile, extending Petone?s historic prescient could be an outcome of the current district plan review. ?At this stage the changes could affect Petone, by extending the heritage prescient it would take in railway houses in Moera,? he says. With regard to the Petone 2030 Vision Statement, the council found that people in Petone want to retain the current character of the area. ?The vision statement is pretty much in line with what people want, to protect the colonial cottages and the feel of the place. It extends to even the colour you can paint your house, you have to use the Resene heritage colour range,? says Mr Davidson. The extension of residential areas in Western Petone is another current topic, which would create more mixed housing use. Eastbourne Community Board chairperson Ian Young is also mulling over how to best preserve local character. ?We are holding a public meeting about our main street, about what is happening there; from the wharf to the other end. ?It will not be a big expenditure, there are some grotty toilets and other things we could tidy up,? says Mr Young. The council?s Urban Forests Plan will also need a good deal of attention as trees that block power lines, or are becoming too big, may soon be removed. ?They will focus on that this year, it?s going to be a big thing for Eastbourne, and you almost have to go street by street to work through it,? Mr Young says.

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