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LOCAL? ? Celebrating Petone?s sporting legacy
? Seamless library access coming soon
? Volunteer Wellington inundated with requests
? Local parks to host active days
? Petone Lions Club on the front foot
? Transmission Gully blue sky gazing
? Why?s it named that, what does it mean?
? Maungaraki band rocks the fluro socks off
? Original Wahine mast stands again
? It?s Resolution Time?
? One day school for gifted children
? Tax-payers to fund $1.5 billion broadband roll-out
? Slowing immunisation rates tackled locally
? Sportsville in action stumps clubs
? Future promising for enviro-schemes
? Home-grown bowls champions
? Granada-Petone road defunct
? The $14 million clean-up

Maungaraki band rocks the fluro socks off

The Maungaraki band Fluro startled the Battle of the Bands judges recently with not only their attire but also a rocking performance. ?One of the girls came up with it randomly, and we just pulled together all the Fluro we could find,? says lead singer Rachel Knight. The hodgepodge of crazy gears combined with an energetic performance secured the band a third placing in the Wellington Intermediate Battle of Bands competition. Battling 24 other Wellington Intermediate hopefuls, the nine band members let loose with pop-rock ballads. ?We have three singers and in the competition we sung Girls Just Want to Have Fun, and I Caught Myself by Paramore. ?We had been practicing since April and I just like all the performing arts and any pop-rock music,? says Rachel. In the final of the Battle of Bands the group was apprehensive about playing in-front of such a large audience, but once on-stage the adrenaline kicked in ? with some award winning results. ?We were all pretty nervous, but once we stood up there we were just into it and did quite well. ?Our keyboardist Eilish Austin won the award for the best keyboardist at the competition.? The band was at Hutt Intermediate together and all of them are moving onto college this year; with Rachel heading to Wellington Girls. Another highlight for the band last year was closing out their school disco, where they played the song Schools Out for Summer. ?Everyone was dancing around and cheering, they really got into it ? it was a cool way to go out,? she says. Rachel also wanted to give a shout out to; ?our awesome band teacher [Darrel Greaney] for all the work and effort he put into the band last year, we couldn't have done it without him?. ?

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