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LOCAL? ? Animal controller sits beside gorillas of the mist
? Moera radio station enlightens the airwaves
? Santa cards for the North Pole make for sacks to fill
? Hands-free still a distraction?
? Top school achievers recognised
? Future promising for enviro-schemes
? Council bonuses at risk if sustainable targets missed
? ?Slip up? in command chain at Waiwhetu
? Petone club reenergised by merger
? Christmas traditions come to life
? Community rallies behind green bikes

NEWS - Animal controller sits beside gorillas of the mist
NEWS - Moera radio station enlightens the airwaves
NEWS - Santa cards for the North Pole make for sacks to fill
NEWS - Hands-free still a distraction?
NEWS - Top school achievers recognised
NEWS - Future promising for enviro-schemes
NEWS - Council bonuses at risk if sustainable targets missed
NEWS - ?Slip up? in command chain at Waiwhetu
NEWS - Petone club reenergised by merger
NEWS - Christmas traditions come to life
NEWS - Community rallies behind green bikes

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