
ph060509 table of contents
ph220409 table of contents
ph080409 table of contents
ph250309 table of contents
ph110309 table of contents
ph250209 table of contents
ph110209 table of contents
ph190109 table of contents
? Hewson keeping the home footy fires burning
? Lack of civil defence personnel a disaster waiting to happen?
? From the Lions to the Lions-Riki?s seen it all now
? Moving on, but staying put in Petone
? Waiwhetu pipeline leaks sighted, sealed and soon to be fixed
? Networking for opportunities
? Hopeful Harbourview
? Autumn weather no issue for indoor holiday programme
? Disaster education starts early
? Older New Zealanders Embrace Tai Chi
? Dancing revival
? Their cup runneth over-26 years on
? Moera faithful still flocking to their hall
? Historian hoping to ?meat? library deadline for new book
? Good news for butchers
? A Goal for the future?
? A ?Maadi? fine effort sees Petone rower take gold
? Pencarrow Rotary welcomes a fine set of speakers

Council?s annual user completed
By Chrys Ayley

Four hundred residents in Hutt City were recently surveyed about their views on Council?s services, facilities and activities. The annual survey was completed in mid-march and the results will be fed into the planning process. Mayor David Ogden said the phone survey helps council keep track on how well the needs and expectations of the residents are being met and where changes or improvements can be made. ?The results help us to proactively understand and meet the needs of our residents,? he said. The wide ranging questions covered contact with council, satisfaction levels, and the performance of the mayor and councillors. Residents were also asked to comment on services provided by council such as water, rubbish, swimming pools and parks and reserves. The survey by the National Research Bureau is conducted in a number of councils so that results can be benchmarked against each other. As part of the planning process a survey will also be conducted at the beginning of April focussing on the Long Term Community Planning process. Results of the surveys and public submissions are considered by council with the draft plan due to be finalised on March 30 followed by a meeting on June 3 and 4 to finalise the plan.

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