
ph060509 table of contents
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ph190109 table of contents
? Hewson keeping the home footy fires burning
? Lack of civil defence personnel a disaster waiting to happen?
? From the Lions to the Lions-Riki?s seen it all now
? Moving on, but staying put in Petone
? Waiwhetu pipeline leaks sighted, sealed and soon to be fixed
? Networking for opportunities
? Hopeful Harbourview
? Autumn weather no issue for indoor holiday programme
? Disaster education starts early
? Older New Zealanders Embrace Tai Chi
? Dancing revival
? Their cup runneth over-26 years on
? Moera faithful still flocking to their hall
? Historian hoping to ?meat? library deadline for new book
? Good news for butchers
? A Goal for the future?
? A ?Maadi? fine effort sees Petone rower take gold
? Pencarrow Rotary welcomes a fine set of speakers

Networking for opportunities

Small business owners throughout the region are networking as a means of increasing business opportunities. Members of the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce and Industry got their first taste of Speed Networking two weeks ago. Based on the speed dating concept participants were given a few minutes to introduce themselves to someone new with the intention of making new business contacts. Chief Executive Officer of Business Hutt Valley and Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce David Kiddey said the event was a success. The networking concept is not new and the Chamber has always focused on networking but, he says, more businesses are realising the need to get out and meet people. The chamber has an active calendar of courses and networking opportunities including networking seminars and courses designed to help businesses with marketing. On May 6 its After Business After Five function at the Hutt Golf Club, run in conjunction with Allfinanz, guests will hear what the Prime Minister has to say about government initiatives to help small to medium business owners. Meanwhile in Johnsonville a new networking initiative by Appraisal Property, with the objective of increase networking and an awareness of the businesses in the area, held the week before last, was well attended. A good crowd of business people heard United Future Leader and MP for Ohariu Peter Dunne and National list MP Katrina Shanks share their thoughts regarding current challenges facing small to medium business owners. In his introduction Director of Appraisal Property Advisors Brian Mudge April 22 said local businesses should concentrate on the opportunity to improve profitability by networking and improving local knowledge. ?The economic depression can?t be cured by legislation it must be headed by the producers themselves,? Mr Mudge said. ?What we want to do is change the mindset to one of opportunity.? As leaders within our communities guests were encouraged to consider how they could show positive leadership.

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