Sophie McElwain-Wilson and Ned Grenfell show the new solar panels on their enviro room.
By Chrys Ayley
Imagine a world with toasters and helicopters powered by solar energy-the children at Muritai School can as they have been learning all about solar energy. Last week the children celebrated the installation of 12 solar panels on their enviro classroom. Young guests from all over the Wellington area gathered in the school hall for a powhiri and lively performance all about the benefits of renewable energy and solar panels. ?We need electricity to live these days, to run our x boxes and computers? one child said. However, they all recognised the need to harness the power of the sun and use it for the benefit of the planet. Sophie McElwain-Wilson and Ned Grenfell of the Muritai Enviroschool Team were enthusiastic about the new solar panels. ?It?s awesome now we?ve got an alternative ? we don?t have to use electricity,? Sophie said. ?We have renewable energy and it?s saving the environment.? The children were happy to show the Petone Herald around their vegetable garden and discuss the schools approach to recycling and sustainability. Their enviro room is dedicated to information and resources related to the environment and sustainability. Head teacher Enviroschools, Stephen Eames said the solar panels provided a platform for the children to learn all about sustainable energy. Muritai School has won several environmental awards over the years and plan to apply for its Enviroschools green gold award soon. ?It has been quite a journey from Enviro Team to Enviroschool. The plan is to have children educate each other about sustainability and learning about solar energy is just part of the bigger plan. ?It?s not just a project it?s integrated into all our planning.? The Genesis Energy Schoolgen programme has donated solar panels to nine schools in the Wellington area including Muritai School.