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? Hewson keeping the home footy fires burning
? Lack of civil defence personnel a disaster waiting to happen?
? From the Lions to the Lions-Riki?s seen it all now
? Moving on, but staying put in Petone
? Waiwhetu pipeline leaks sighted, sealed and soon to be fixed
? Networking for opportunities
? Hopeful Harbourview
? Autumn weather no issue for indoor holiday programme
? Disaster education starts early
? Older New Zealanders Embrace Tai Chi
? Dancing revival
? Their cup runneth over-26 years on
? Moera faithful still flocking to their hall
? Historian hoping to ?meat? library deadline for new book
? Good news for butchers
? A Goal for the future?
? A ?Maadi? fine effort sees Petone rower take gold
? Pencarrow Rotary welcomes a fine set of speakers

Story Image
Photo credit Andy Morley Hall. Pictured: The Eggs will be among the long list of performers at the Jackson Street Fiesta on Saturday March 7.

Jackson Street Fiesta
By Chrys Ayley

Petone?s annual celebration of the arts, culture and food ? the Jackson Street Fiesta- is shaping up to the best ever with plans for the March 7 event almost complete. Hutt City Council?s Leisure Active Unit is coordinating the Fiesta in collaboration with the Jackson Street Programme. ?It?s going to be a great evening,? HCC major events coordinator, Alex Wheeler said. Jackson Street programme manager Robert Hutton said there could be some great bargains available during the day and shops will stay open longer than usual. Retailers are being encouraged to have a good time, do the best they can do and they may even dress up in ?something silly,? Mr Hutton said. With so many good restaurants on Jackson Street offering a variety of ethnic foodstuffs he is encouraging them to offer street food and set up stalls outside. Jackson Street will be closed from 2pm, with no stopping restrictions, so four stages can be constructed. The evening will kick off with the crowds being warmed up from 5.30pm ready for the official start at 6pm. This year there will be four stages in use throughout the evening with non-stop entertainment, including dDub, The Woolshed Sessions, Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra and many more artists and performers. In addition to music there will be cultural performances and a children?s craft zone run by Hutt Valley Community Arts and Petone Library. Festival goers are encouraged to bring their cameras and capture the fun and excitement of the Fiesta and be in to win a prize. For more information and an up to date schedule refer to Pictured: WIUO or the Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra will perform at the Jackson Street Fiesta.

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