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? Eastbourne star volunteer wins civic honour
? Dead computers given safe afterlife
? An interesting gang of candidates
? All systems go for Wilford?s smart cookies
? Hutt snarlers safe from government
? Hutt can celebrate daylight savings start with Welly tulips
? The ultimate rugby kiss-off...coming soon to a disputes tribunal
? International TV star reads Petone Herald story
? Cell tower CEO invited to explain ?big stick?
? alliative patient waits more than 12 weeks for radiation therapy
? Hutt diabetes blow-out
? Footpath charge gets dismantled
? Petone rifle attack on cops
? Hutt parents face cop screening to look after own kids
? ?The boys put it out!?
? ?He was an Aborigine?

Hutt diabetes blow-out
By Joel Maxwell

Ministry of Health estimates of Hutt diabetes jump by thousands after it re-jigs its stat methods. It appears the Ministry of Health could have wildly underestimated the number of Hutt people with diabetes as its figures jumped by thousands after it revised its modelling for the disease. The estimated number of people with diabetes in Hutt, according to the Ministry, has jumped from about 3500 in 2003 to about 6200 this year. The jump was revealed in a report on diabetes health targets to the Hutt Valley District Health Board at this month?s meeting. Until 2007 the estimated number of Hutt people with diabetes was rising by several hundred a year. The estimate for 2007 leaped by about 1600. Board planning and funding staff member Marty de Boer said the large jump in estimated diabetics between 2006 and 2007 ?reflects a significant revision to the Ministry?s diabetes model?. But Mr de Boer said the board?s diabetes checks had not kept up with the rising estimated number of people with diabetes. ?Numbers of Hutt Valley people with diabetes receiving Get Checked annual reviews have increased over time, with growth about 20 percent from 2003 to 2007. ?The estimated numbers of people within the Hutt Valley, however, have been increasing at a much higher rate than our Get Checked programme.? The Petone Herald contacted the Ministry and asked for an explanation of the sudden rise in diabetes estimates but the Ministry did not reply before going to press. The board did not reply to Petone Herald inquiries about how it would make up the shortfall between its checks and the jump in diabetes estimates. Mr de Boer said the national target for improving diabetes services stipulated there should be an increase in the number of people estimated to have the disease getting free annual checks. This is based on the Ministry diabetes model estimates, he said.

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