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? All systems go for Wilford?s smart cookies
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Some of the activities at Wilford included dissecting sheep kidneys to uncover the workings of the urinary system, and programming actual computer games.

All systems go for Wilford?s smart cookies
By Tim O?Connell

Three classes from the Wilford cluster of gifted kids schools exhibited their academic talents in a showcase of budding genius last Wednesday. The interactive sharing evening took place in the Wilford school hall, allowing parents to see the level of understanding their children have achieved through the various classes. Programme assistant principal Deb Clark said it was the first time a sharing evening had been held at Wilford School. The Gifted Kids Programme aims to boost educational opportunities for gifted children from mainly lower income families, through a one-day-a-week educational experience. This year ?systemania? was the chosen study concept for the kids - which exposed students to the way political, scientific and eco-systems operate. Some of the activities at Wilford included dissecting sheep kidneys to uncover the workings of the urinary system, and programming actual computer games. Lead teacher Joanne Young believes the idea of conceptual learning offers more scope for students to gain an in-depth understanding of topics. ?I really believe that this makes them more involved and more aware in their learning than they would be in a mainstream setting,? she said. ?The kids seem to bounce off each other.? Along with the host school, the makeup of the gifted kids classes included students from 14 schools in Petone and Lower Hutt. Alumni of the programme often come back to help with the current intake, with many expressing their interest in the activities taking place. ?I think some kids don?t appreciate their potential until someone shows them,? Ms Young said The Gifted Kids unit, part of a nationwide network, opened at Wilford School in 2007. Pictured is Gus Stone, 10, showing off his home-made brain at the interactive evening.

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