2009 reasons to enjoy this year
Here?s to a brand new canvas for painting a new year?s masterpiece. How was your 2008? Did you get a good return on your happiness investment, or did life?s stock exchange plummet in late trading, leaving your shares in Everything?s Just Tops Incorporated severely devalued? Have the previous twelve months served up a smorgasbord of success, or did it transpire that someone took the sneeze guard off the buffet of daily living? Plenty has been made about the New Year heralding a time for change or re-assessment of various aspects of our existence. From making an impact at work to losing that stubborn ten kilograms, January 1 is traditionally looked upon as a time to wipe the slate clean and embrace a new era with a steely resolve to finally get things done. But regardless of the state of mind we were in when making these emphatic decisions, so many New Year?s resolutions remain unfulfilled once December 31 rolls around again. Whether we?re simply too busy or a solitary detractor throws cold water over our ambitions, it?s often the outside forces that prevent us from giving our dreams a go and are a tough hurdle to overcome. Invariably, a warm bed will provide a more appealing option than pounding the pavement over winter. Likewise, if you?ve vocalised your resolutions to friends or workmates there is a good chance they?ve already demonstrated their flair for one of three disciplines: Accountancy- ?You can?t afford to do that!? Clairvoyance- ?You won?t be able to manage!? Historian- ?My sister did that last year?she hated it.? But in the end, the extra effort made to rise above these negative influences will be the catalyst for making inroads towards a better outlook on life. One of my Christmas gifts last year was a DVD of the film ?Rocky? ? perhaps the greatest celluloid statement of ?you can do it- even if you?ve had a shocker.? While I have no plans to run up Mt Kaukau and hold my arms aloft anytime soon, there?s a wee bit of motivation there to get my pistons pumping in other areas of my life nevertheless. Whatever you have decided to focus on in 2009, I sincerely hope that when the curtain falls on this batch of 365 days, you are toasting multiple successes and the conclusion to the best year of your life.