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ph190109 table of contents
? Hewson keeping the home footy fires burning
? Lack of civil defence personnel a disaster waiting to happen?
? From the Lions to the Lions-Riki?s seen it all now
? Moving on, but staying put in Petone
? Waiwhetu pipeline leaks sighted, sealed and soon to be fixed
? Networking for opportunities
? Hopeful Harbourview
? Autumn weather no issue for indoor holiday programme
? Disaster education starts early
? Older New Zealanders Embrace Tai Chi
? Dancing revival
? Their cup runneth over-26 years on
? Moera faithful still flocking to their hall
? Historian hoping to ?meat? library deadline for new book
? Good news for butchers
? A Goal for the future?
? A ?Maadi? fine effort sees Petone rower take gold
? Pencarrow Rotary welcomes a fine set of speakers

All woman cast for Eastbourne?s Bard in the Yard
By Chrys Ayley

Girls just want to have fun In what is thought to be a first for New Zealand, Eastbourne?s Butterfly Creek Theatre have turned the tables and have an all female cast for this month?s outdoor performances known locally as ?Bard in the Yard.? A shortage of young male actors in Eastbourne means an all female cast for their latest production of Shakespeare?s Taming of the Shrew. Director John Marwick said he planned on having a woman play Petruchio, the central male character, because it may encourage audiences take a fresh look at the play. Liz Sugrue, a newcomer to Eastbourne, will play Petruchio alongside a strong female cast. The Bard in the Yard Shakespeare series started in Mr Marlow?s Konini Street back yard 13 years ago with excerpts from Shakespeare?s works. Over the years the performances were extended to cater for demand but it all got a bit too big for one back yard, he said. Two years ago the theatre group built an outdoor stage over the sandpit at Muritai School to better accommodate the crowds. ?The outdoor production emphasises the fun and vitality of the play and doesn?t take itself too seriously,? Mr Marwick said. ?I think it?s going to be very funny and good family entertainment.? Photo caption: Photo supplied by Ken George. Rehearsing for this month?s performance are Liz Sugrue, front, who plays Petruchio, with Rowan Macrae (Kate), in the background are Sandra Gillespie (Baptista), Sue Jones (Vincentio), Elspeth Harris (Bianca), Pip Weston (Tranio), Florence Macfarlane (Gremio).?

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