
ph150709 table of contents
ph010709 table of contents
ph170609 table of contents
? Pages plush with 75 years of Paddling
? Randwick students inspired by great Artists
? The Bus Olympics
? Keep NZ Beautiful worth it?
? Giving voice to Petone?s changing township
? A born environmentalist
? Lighting the heavens at the Petone Winter Carnival
? Recession-proof your finances
? Orphans worldwide warmed by Petone knitting elders
? Cross Eyed shows rocking the mod
? Funding music for lunchtime minds
? Educations electronic elixir
? Cyber library styles
? A sushi loving, flower flaunting fiftieth
? Council rate increases worthwhile?
? After-dark winter fun run
? Paul Harris Award winner to Redcross veteran
? Waiwhetu Stream breathe easy
? Petone rowing scoop awards

Story Image

The real classic Petone rides
By Jamie Melbourne

Stooping up cars is nothing new. Members of Wellington?s Vintage Car Club, based at the Hutt River end of Jackson Street, have been cruising the area for half a century. The club celebrated their 50th anniversary last year, and staged a 200 car cruise from Upper Hutt down to Petone. Club secretary Colin White says what some younger people do with their cars can be appealing, but the problem is these days cars can be made to go a lot faster. ?They get more speed, much more quickly than we could 20 years ago. ?It?s the supposed safety features that make them think they?re bullet proof,? he says. Mr White says the recent ?boy racer? crackdown by the government is in response to those who disobey the law, not car enthusiasts in general. ?The car side is ok, but it?s the drinking and dangerousness that worries me. ?Some of their cars are done well and I appreciate that, but some things they do with their cars are craziness, like cutting springs, it?s very dangerous.? He says the spirit of passing time driving with friends is a good thing if it?s done properly. ?They need somewhere to vent their enthusiasm, that?s where car clubs are good. ?It?s a lot of fun getting out there on the road with others who share the experience,? he says. Mr White drives a 1930s Hudson for club days, and he says ?It looks like the Bonnie and Clyde car?. ?It has three gears and a V8 engine, the Americans didn?t like changing gears because they had such large spaces to roll around in,? he says. Club night is on the third Tuesday of each month, visitors are welcome, phone 5687463.

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