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? Pages plush with 75 years of Paddling
? Randwick students inspired by great Artists
? The Bus Olympics
? Keep NZ Beautiful worth it?
? Giving voice to Petone?s changing township
? A born environmentalist
? Lighting the heavens at the Petone Winter Carnival
? Recession-proof your finances
? Orphans worldwide warmed by Petone knitting elders
? Cross Eyed shows rocking the mod
? Funding music for lunchtime minds
? Educations electronic elixir
? Cyber library styles
? A sushi loving, flower flaunting fiftieth
? Council rate increases worthwhile?
? After-dark winter fun run
? Paul Harris Award winner to Redcross veteran
? Waiwhetu Stream breathe easy
? Petone rowing scoop awards

Giving voice to Petone?s changing township
By Jamie Melbourne-Hayward

Hutt City Mayor David Ogden says a proposed new top-line hotel development in Petone ?will boost the whole region?. The new hotel development is currently at resource consent stage and will be situated at 44 Cuba Street, just off Jackson Street. News of the development comes as the council are seeking local points of view for the Petone District Plan, for which submission soon close. The council is reviewing its District Plan as it relates to Petone. The District Plan controls activities in the area and says how tall buildings can be, where certain businesses can operate and what types of housing can go where. The review follows on from the Petone vision work, which clearly identified the significance of the area in the Hutt. Hutt City Council newsletter says, ?It became clear the District Plan had to be reviewed to reflect these changes and expectations of the community?. Residents are asked to comment on topic such as; should apartments be provided close to the railway station, and are we protecting heritage enough? On the lookout for a new business leader, Mr Ogden says a revaluation of rates in the Lower Hutt CBD is needed to match the gains seen from the Jackson Street programme. ?Petone is working really well, I wish we had better press releases going out about the good things happening, and not just about sewer repairs and leaky pipes. ?Jackson Street is really neat, I went strolling along there recently and there are new places opening up and a great feel to the place.? He says extra $300,000 set aside for new street trees will directly improve the Petone area. ?It gives me a buzz seeing all the trees going in, you go up a tall building in the Hutt and you can see there is already a lot of green about?. Feedback is due by July 24 on the Petone District Plan, to participate call 570 6666 or visit

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