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? Pages plush with 75 years of Paddling
? Randwick students inspired by great Artists
? The Bus Olympics
? Keep NZ Beautiful worth it?
? Giving voice to Petone?s changing township
? A born environmentalist
? Lighting the heavens at the Petone Winter Carnival
? Recession-proof your finances
? Orphans worldwide warmed by Petone knitting elders
? Cross Eyed shows rocking the mod
? Funding music for lunchtime minds
? Educations electronic elixir
? Cyber library styles
? A sushi loving, flower flaunting fiftieth
? Council rate increases worthwhile?
? After-dark winter fun run
? Paul Harris Award winner to Redcross veteran
? Waiwhetu Stream breathe easy
? Petone rowing scoop awards

Randwick students inspired by great Artists
By Mark Sawyer

Randwick School students have created their own impressions of the great artists? works. Students from nine classes spanning entrants to senior students have created art works for the school's exhibition and for display at the Moera Community Library in Lower Hutt. Randwick teacher Margaret Presland says the program required the students to research and select an artist to study, from which a piece of art was to be produced ? inspired by the subject and the artist's history. "The students used the library and the world wide web to research art and artists from history to learn about their style and the work they'd produced during their time." The students visited Te Papa Museum to learn how various forms of artwork are displayed for public viewing. "The kids were then free to use oil paints, canvas, paper, cardboard and any material available to them to create their own piece which referenced their subject in some way. "The teachers? have really got behind the program, some have gone out of their way to provide materials at their own cost for the students to use ? it's been an exciting project,? says Ms Presland. Ms Presland says the students became very engaged in the project and were constantly showing their work to other students and seeking feedback from their teachers about the art. "I'm personally really impressed with the work from the Area 6 students who are new entrants to the school. ?One of the paintings references Van Gogh's famous Sunflower painting." The school has been exhibiting the children's works in the school hall with many parents and whanau visiting to view the art. Three pieces will be chosen for special display at the Moera Community Library for the next few months.

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