
ph150709 table of contents
ph010709 table of contents
ph170609 table of contents
? Pages plush with 75 years of Paddling
? Randwick students inspired by great Artists
? The Bus Olympics
? Keep NZ Beautiful worth it?
? Giving voice to Petone?s changing township
? A born environmentalist
? Lighting the heavens at the Petone Winter Carnival
? Recession-proof your finances
? Orphans worldwide warmed by Petone knitting elders
? Cross Eyed shows rocking the mod
? Funding music for lunchtime minds
? Educations electronic elixir
? Cyber library styles
? A sushi loving, flower flaunting fiftieth
? Council rate increases worthwhile?
? After-dark winter fun run
? Paul Harris Award winner to Redcross veteran
? Waiwhetu Stream breathe easy
? Petone rowing scoop awards

Tower Waves in Western Hills
By Jamie Melbourne-Hayward

NZ Communication Ltd caused a stir in the Western Hills last year when they lodged resource consent to erect a 15m high telecommunications mast. After much public clamour a smaller 8.3m mast was approved on 3 June to be situated north of the council water reservoir, and will hold three 1.9m high panel antenna with a lightning rod, and four-dish antenna. The application to construct the mast fell under the title of council ?controlled activity?, which means the council cannot decline the resource consent. Past opponents of the mast refused to comment on the resource consent approval. The mast will be erected at 6n Honeysuckle Grove in Maungaraki, and will also affect Korokoro, and the Normandale community. Last year locals called for public meetings on the submission, and various points of view were raised in the community. Some residents were opposed to the mast because it would ruin the skyline; others were sceptical about problems of radiation and preferred to have a mast for better cell phone reception. One resident even proposed placing the mast in their backyard as a way of paying off the mortgage. Other concerns were raised about the apparent benefits of better reception for locals, as it appeared residents will need to switch providers to enjoy the improved reception. Council have said, ?Should the mast or associated equipment generate special audible characteristics during high winds, then the consent holder shall adopt the best practicable option to eliminate that noise. ?This shall involve commissioning a qualified acoustical consultant to prepare plans and design methodology of an alternative design that would eliminate noise generated by high winds.? The existing vegetation located near the Honeysuckle Grove boundary shall be retained to provide continued visual screening for the neighbouring site.

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