
ph150709 table of contents
ph010709 table of contents
ph170609 table of contents
? Pages plush with 75 years of Paddling
? Randwick students inspired by great Artists
? The Bus Olympics
? Keep NZ Beautiful worth it?
? Giving voice to Petone?s changing township
? A born environmentalist
? Lighting the heavens at the Petone Winter Carnival
? Recession-proof your finances
? Orphans worldwide warmed by Petone knitting elders
? Cross Eyed shows rocking the mod
? Funding music for lunchtime minds
? Educations electronic elixir
? Cyber library styles
? A sushi loving, flower flaunting fiftieth
? Council rate increases worthwhile?
? After-dark winter fun run
? Paul Harris Award winner to Redcross veteran
? Waiwhetu Stream breathe easy
? Petone rowing scoop awards

Story Image
Nicholas Wilkins, Antonia McGhie, Leonore Hoke (teacher), and Katie McWilliam.

Hutt High?s planting progress
By Jamie Melbourne-Hayward

The human race cut down more trees than they plant ? a fact not lost on Hutt Valley High students as they planted along the Hutt river last week to commemorate Arbor Day and World Environment Day. Hutt High Science teacher Leonore Hoke says the planting ties into the schools larger sustainable strategy, and works to link their initiatives with the surrounding community. ?We have a shade house at the school we use to grow young trees, but the decision to plant the totara was made by Trees for Survival and the council. ?Trees for Survival know the types of trees that grow best along the river, and you see totara growing very well along the river and near the golf course,? says Ms Hoke. She invited her Year 11 science class to participate in the planting and 16 students turned up to lend a hand. ?They got stuck in; it was a unique opportunity for them to do something in the local area.? Ms Hoke says hers students are very much aware of the problem caused by global warming and the over abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. ?This is about trying to save the planet, and we want them involved in that,? says Ms Hoke. Flax, totara, ribbonwood, native grasses and other seedlings were planted at Strand Park, the site of a current flood works redevelopment. Greater Wellington Regional Council?s Flood Protection team organised the event, which succeeded at planting more than 300 native trees along the river bank. The council hopes establishment of native bush will help to protect areas along the Hutt River from rising water levels and encourage the ecosystem.

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