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? Community rallies behind green bikes

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Eastbourne?s scout troop has taken up the job of maintaining the local Green Bike fleet

Community rallies behind green bikes

It has been a year of teething problems for the ?Green Bikes? scheme that provides free pedal transport in Eastbourne. Eastbourne community constable Anthony Harmer says it?s expected that the programme experience ups and downs during early stages. ?We still have some out there, and more are coming out for the warm weather. ?But I think part of its downfall was there was so much publicity, everyone found out about them too fast. ?There were people arriving at Days Bay expecting there to be a free bike,? says Mr Harmer. Many people treated the public bikes badly, and one of the finest in the fleet was ripped apart, its wheel and seat used to make the base of a bonfire. Thankfully, Mr Harmer discovered the bonfire before it became roaring and was able to salvage the wheel. A similar scheme lasted in Porirua for five years before it was abandoned because people abused the bikes. ?It would be a shame if Eastbourne can?t make this work for five minutes. ?We would love it to take off, and we want to give it the full chance this summer,? he says. Local donations will see 20 more bikes enter the scheme, and locals are asked to keep an eye out for the public fleet. Eastbourne Community Board chairperson Ian Young says despite the ?ups and downs? residents have responded well to the scheme. ?The Rotary people are very pleased that the scouts have taken up the maintenance of the bikes and are keeping a watchful eye on them. ?It?s good that the younger people are involved because they are more likely to make sure their friends return the bikes,? says Mr Young. With support from Eastbourne Rotary and the local scout troop, he hopes the community rallies behind the scheme and supports it becoming a main-stay for the area.

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