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LOCAL? ? Animal controller sits beside gorillas of the mist
? Moera radio station enlightens the airwaves
? Santa cards for the North Pole make for sacks to fill
? Hands-free still a distraction?
? Top school achievers recognised
? Future promising for enviro-schemes
? Council bonuses at risk if sustainable targets missed
? ?Slip up? in command chain at Waiwhetu
? Petone club reenergised by merger
? Christmas traditions come to life
? Community rallies behind green bikes

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Erika Webb has been at Hutt Valley High School since year nine and topped the school in achievement standards

Top school achievers recognised

Erika Webb has been at Hutt Valley High School since year nine and topped the school in achievement standards by winning the Scholarship for Dux and the University of Victoria Excellence Scholarship. Hutt Valley High principal Ross Sinclair says Erika is an outstanding student who is well on track to achieve excellence at scholarship level. ?The Dux is a person of exceptional ability. ?Achievers are students with confidence, who know their subject areas and are able to be critical and creative thinkers,? says Mr Sinclair. The College assesses scholarship and NCEA levels following school exams and decides on which areas need more attention. ?We do a thorough analysis of the national levels, standard by standard, and gather a comprehensive report. ?There are always areas where we set up goals for improvement.? In broad terms, improving the numbers of pupils sitting scholarship exams was a goal from last year. ?We set up scholarship tutorials to inform people about studying at a national level. ?That?s had an immediate impact on the students? confidence to participate in the top competition,? he says. Role models are people who are constructive in society and ?not out to promote themselves?, says Mr Sinclair. More focus on people like Leole Malama, who was this year named the youngest Council Civic Award winner, rather than the ?fashion and fads of the moment? is needed. ?There is this desire to focus on the negative aspects, but the vast majority of people are progressive,? he says. Wellesley College principal Warren Owen says achievers are dedicated and persistent when things don?t go their way. [WAINING FOR TOP STUDENT INFO..] his exams this year and received academic excellence in five of his subjects to be named the school?s top scholar. Mr Owen says today?s role models often give students a bad impression of the leadership traits people should have. ?There is too much nonsense people disperse their energy on, like Hone Harawira, that is the most unfortunate thing, it was not helpful at all. ?There could be better promotion of role models ... Sam Morgan is a good role model, he worked hard, put his neck on the line and has been creative,? says Mr Owen. People often learn the most from their mistakes and taking the positives from them is the trick, he says. ?Integrity is defiantly something people need in society. ?You have got to be creative, the world is crying out for people that are innovative and entrepreneurial.?

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