Wellington North President Brian Poole with scholarship winners: sitting on the left in pink and white attire, Joanna Matheson encourages others to apply
Money awaits the dedicated and willing. Rotary Club of Wellington North has ?got the money, and we want to give more away,? says President Brian Poole. The club wants to extend a helping hand to people with a passion for learning. ?We really encourage anyone with the will to learn to apply for these loans, there have been some highly inspiring and dedicated people involved,? says Mr Poole. The Rotary scholarships are for anyone who wants to study a course of worth. ?What we question is the value that will come from the scholarship; we have given up to $15 thousand before. ?We consider if the student has a desire to learn and if they want to better themselves,? he says. Maungaraki resident Joanna Matheson also received a loan to help cover extra costs involved with studying at tertiary level. The scholarship means she hasn?t taken up work during her third year of a Bachelor in Psychology at Otago University. ?The student allowance just doesn?t cover everything, your rent, power bills, books, and transport, it all adds up. ?You really get very little money,? says Miss Matheson. The scholarship allows her to concentrate on study, which she says is going very well. She says everyone should apply for the scholarship because Rotary considers many factors. ?People generally think for a scholarship you need to have really great grades, but especially with Rotary they take more things into consideration,? she says. And as for homesickness, she only misses ?the view? from Maungaraki.