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? Story of first Petone Policeman become folklore for family
? Former Petone College in ?disgusting state? for possible purchase by iwi
? Korohiwa bus barn upgrade moves forward
? Petone?s largest club opens doors to RSA
? A cycle friendly city ready for the making
? Wellington?s top bowls and croquet clubs confirm supremacy
? Simple steps at home can save children a lifetime of injury
? Can fundraising ease the rates pressure?
? Bright ideas sought to stem landfill growth
? House hunters spring quick offers
? September marked by tumultuous weather events
? Local government charter cited in water integration fixation
? Local Mountain biking boosted as new tracks emerge
? Giving customers ?what they want? vital for pubs? survival
? Petone gas store houses winning ticket

Korohiwa bus barn upgrade moves forward

A stark monument to practical architecture, the Korohiwa bus is the last of its kind in New Zealand and its refurbishment is a step closer following the granting of resource consent. In a few years time the ?end of the road? will become a place of note for the area, says Eastbourne Community Board chairperson Ian Young. ?We don?t want it to be an old dump any more. ?Now we are on track after a lot of consultation, we are interested in going ahead,? says Mr Young. He says in time the developments will become an asset for the council. A report on the barn states a rental income of up to $100,000 could be expected upon refurbishment. Mr Young says the collection of rent will pay for the upgrade in the long run. Hutt City Mayor David Ogden is delighted the consent has been approved and ?that the project can move forward?. ?This iconic Eastbourne landmark will enjoy a whole new lease of life and revitalise Korohiwa when work is completed,? he says. The consent gives us the council approval to fully refurbish the bus barn, restoring it to its original condition and reinstating three apartments on the first floor. The bus barn has a category two historic places classification and council architects are working with conservation architect Ian Bowman and the Historic Places Trust to preserve its heritage value. ?The building consent application will now be lodged and tenders called for. We expect construction to begin?by Christmas,? says Mr Ogden. Landscaping has already begun, which Mr Young says is boosting the areas attractiveness as the main access point to?the Pencarrow coastal walk. ?It?s the first piece of land in Wellington harbor, we want the buildings to have the same quality and reflect the environment ? rugged and peaceful by night. ?It?s the end of the road. We want to make it a place for picnic facilities in the good weather. ?You can have 100 to 200 cars down there in the weekend,? he says.

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