Caregivers with grandstand views over the sports field basked in the sun and shouted encouragement to the children who took part in distance running, the high jump, hurdles and relays.
Slip, slap, slop and dash at Normandale By Chrys Ayley Weeks of training for Normandale School pupils finally paid off last Wednesday afternoon when dozens of excited children took part in their annual athletics tournament. Caregivers with grandstand views over the sports field basked in the sun and shouted encouragement to the children who took part in distance running, the high jump, hurdles and relays. Frisbee and vortex throwing generated heaps of excitement and enthusiasm especially from the younger children. All children competed in the tournament and this week years 4-6 will go to the next level of competition, the Western Zone Athletics competition. Normandale School principal Ann-Marie Gordon said the children certainly lived by the school?s motto ? enthusiasm for learning and that included athletics.