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? A witness with winning scientific intent
? Drumming up a Petone Boxing revival
? Will Auckland?s super city mystery head south?
? Local art donation to get elderly moving
? Petone's Proud History
? Keeping your identity just for you
? Mayor welcomes local investment
? Outdoor sculpture in the works for Eastbourne
? Harbour ward grapples with oil outlook
? Maintaining that unique Korokoro feel
? SH2 set for the ?final alignment?
? Foodstuffs cave to consumer pressure
? Super Gold Card to stay following local pressure
? Rubbish under the sea and in the air bewares
? Public rally organised for the future of the Hutt
? The voters and the playcentres word on smacking
? Freedom freewheeling for thousands in East Timor

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The E Tu Awakairangi Public Arts Trust is proposing a large outdoor sculpture for Eastbourne

Outdoor sculpture in the works for Eastbourne

The E Tu Awakairangi Public Arts Trust is proposing a large outdoor sculpture for Eastbourne, and has launched a public awareness campaign to find out local?s preferences. E Tu Chairman Greg Thomas is an Eastbourne resident and former president of the Days Bay Residents? Association, and will oversee the possible public artwork for the area. ?At the moment we are seeking community feedback on the location of the art work. ?We want them to be involved first,? says Mr Thomas. The arts trust wants the work to celebrate the local environment, foster pride in the community and become a must-see for visitors. E Tu has already successfully overseen the installation of two significant art works in the Hutt valley. These are ?Smiling Windmills? by Leon van den Eijkel at Avalon Park and ?Cube4? by Akio Groot at Hutt Park. They arts trust is currently also working with the Stokes Valley community on a Guy Ngan sculpture to be constructed there. The arts trust sees Eastbourne as a potential location for a major public art work and will facilitate the process of location selection, artist election, fundraising and installation. The competed work will be gifted to Hutt City which will then be responsible for maintenance. For suggestion to the arts trust call 562 6330, email , or visit

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