
ph090909 table of contents
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? A witness with winning scientific intent
? Drumming up a Petone Boxing revival
? Will Auckland?s super city mystery head south?
? Local art donation to get elderly moving
? Petone's Proud History
? Keeping your identity just for you
? Mayor welcomes local investment
? Outdoor sculpture in the works for Eastbourne
? Harbour ward grapples with oil outlook
? Maintaining that unique Korokoro feel
? SH2 set for the ?final alignment?
? Foodstuffs cave to consumer pressure
? Super Gold Card to stay following local pressure
? Rubbish under the sea and in the air bewares
? Public rally organised for the future of the Hutt
? The voters and the playcentres word on smacking
? Freedom freewheeling for thousands in East Timor

Petone's Proud History

Petone's History is a column regularly published in the Petone Herald to acquaint readers with the many areas of historical significance that abound in Petone. This column focuses on Petone Recreation Ground and Sport Petone Recreation Ground Sport had always been important in Petone but it wasn't until October 1897, when the Petone Borough Council agreed to lease an area of land in central Petone owned by Wellington Gas Co that it could begin to provide a proper ground for sport. This was land originally set aside for a railway to the beach so it could bring coal and coke to and from the gas works. In 1898, an adjacent piece of land was leased from William Buick. The Petone Recreation Ground was purchased outright by the Borough Council in 1907. A racetrack and grandstand were built, together with a cycle track. The present grandstand was built in 1940 and was designed by Bill Lavelle of Swan and Lavelle. The ground catered for rugby, hockey, rugby league and soccer, with cricket and athletics in the summer. Today only hockey, rugby and cricket use the ground, which is the home of the famous Petone Rugby Football Club (est. 1895) and Petone Cricket Club (est. 1889/90). Sport and Petone Petone is known as the 'Cradle of Champions' after the phrase coined by Sir Thomas Will M.P. for Lower Hutt, 1899-1929. Over 200 New Zealand sportsmen and women from Petone have either represented New Zealand or have become New Zealand champions in their sport. These people have been recognised by "The Walk of Champions" - plaques laid in the footpath along Jackson Street. Petone's finest year was in 1937 when some 13 current champions at that time were recognised by a civic banquet. It is said that the ability in sport can be traced to the influence of the many people who worked in industry in Petone and who formed close friendships within the town. It is somehow appropriate that Petone was also the site of New Zealand's first ever provincial rugby union match, Nelson v. Wellington, on 11 September 1870.

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