
ph120809 table of contents
ph290709 table of contents
ph150709 table of contents
ph010709 table of contents
ph170609 table of contents
?September opening date announced for second Petone Park n' Ride
??Proverbial bolt from the blue? devastates community ties
?Te Puni post branch closure riles locals
?Government ?value choice over health? in obesity battle
?The Dowse interchange warmly received in
?Land Review results on the Western Hills agenda
?Petone businesses building towers for power and winning awards for housing renovation innovation
?Councillor can become ?swamped? by electronic requests, as face-to-face contact dwindles
?Beating your feet for the good of the streets
?Speed limits in local community boards? hands
?Technology's double-edged sword
?Storms and smashes add weight to Transmission Gully advocacy

?Untraceable factories continuing to dump waste in the Waiwhetu stream is only one of the regions environmental concerns
?Top dolls around town

Land Review results on the Western Hills agenda
By Jamie Melbourne-Hayward

The Hutt City?s ongoing land review has seen some positive outcomes in the Western Hill, but locals are still working through the detail. Normandale Residents Association president Peter Matcham says they are set to discuss issues surrounding the Poto Road land at their next meeting. ?There has been a lot of community involvement in this. ?The Poto site is at various stages of regeneration and there are many mature trees,? says Mr Matcham. The site has three elements; the road side, a strip marked as reserved for roading, and an area that used to be school land and is now controlled by DOC. The area next to the road is freehold and could be sold to developers, but Mr Matcham wants a deal worked out so the land remains accessible to the public. ?Basically the whole land review has been handled very well by the Council,? he says. The association has been successful in retaining as reserves most land that came up for review, except for the Poto Road site. The association doesn?t want houses blocking access to the regenerating area and ?would like to create a continuous reserve?. ?DOC could sell some of their land at the back for development, so we keep a strip of land that can be retained for public space,? he says. They are currently in discussion with DOC and the Council over the matter. The Maungaraki Community Association is also working through issues that arose from the land review. Developing the Miromiro Road lookout is top of the agenda, after they were able to ?hang on to? the space in the land review. Maungaraki Community association secretary Mr Pryor says the land essentially has enough space for two houses. ?It has been a bit of a bone of contention, because the land is not really suited for development as its slip prone. ?It would have been easier if they just classified it as a reserve,? he says. Funding for a lookout platform will hopefully go through the Central and Western Board committee, and Mr Pryor says they will try and deal directly with the Council as well. The association is also looking toward their next fundraiser event for the community hall. The local school uses the centre as their hall and this year the association wants to raise money to install a decent sound system. ?We have a major fundraiser quiz night coming up next month,? says Mr Pryor.

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