The exhibition will run daily from Friday October 17 to Sunday October 19 - with a gala evening on the Friday Money from the $25-a-head gala and the gold coin fee for the exhibition will go to Te Omanga Hospice.
The Hutt Valley Porcelain Art Association is holding a retrospective exhibition at the New Dowse to celebrate its anniversary and help Hutt?s only hospice. The exhibition will run daily from Friday October 17 to Sunday October 19 - with a gala evening on the Friday Money from the $25-a-head gala and the gold coin fee for the exhibition will go to Te Omanga Hospice. For gala tickets call Ngaire Leahy 566 4938 or visit Rona Gallery in Eastbourne. The exhibition will show the many changes in this art since the association was founded in 1968. Pictured: Oriental Lady by Ngaire Leahy from the Hutt Valley Porcelain Art Association.