As reported last month in the Petone Herald, the memorial was organised by Hutt City Council and the Petone Community Board to celebrate the life of Mr Colman who died in April aged 84
By Tim O?Connell
Sitting humbly beside the Petone railway station, the memory of former Petone and Pencarrow MP Fraser Colman remains etched in hard plastic. As reported last month in the Petone Herald, the memorial was organised by Hutt City Council and the Petone Community Board to celebrate the life of Mr Colman who died in April aged 84. Unfortunately, the commemorative plaque unveiled in a ceremony on September 20 is lacking in the grand aesthetics that were originally planned. A plague of scrap metal thefts in Petone forced a less valuable medium to be used. Instead of the intended brass, a sign-written plastic top-plate has had to suffice. Speaking previously board chairman Gerald Davidson was disappointed, but rational about the switch in materials. ?If we made it out of bronze, it wouldn?t stay here.? Mr Colman was MP for the Petone electorate from 1967 to 1978, and the subsequently formed Pencarrow electorate from 1978 to 1987. As well as providing a long period of service to his community he was also a member of the Privy Council.