At times struggling to make his point over the retorts of Maungaraki residents, Mr Fowlie eventually resorted to simple diplomacy. ?You have your opinions, and you?ve expressed them here tonight.
By Tim O?Connell
NZ Communications has received an angry blast from Maungaraki residents at a meeting to discuss its proposed cellphone tower in Honeysuckle Grove. ?? A boisterous group of about 50 locals gathered at the Maungaraki Community Centre last Wednesday to vent their anger. Nine representatives from NZ Communications, including those from Maori investment group the Hautaki Trust, listened to these concerns before?putting their case. Meeting organiser Colin Williams said the planned tower was obscene, and he didn?t want it in his backyard. Another audience member stood up with a simple request for the company. ?Please go away, find another site,? he said. While the location of the tower was clearly the major issue, aspects of house value, aesthetics, and dangerous radiation were also raised. Meanwhile NZ Communications spokesman Greg Fowlie?s Q&A session left him in the firing line. At times struggling to make his point over the retorts of Maungaraki residents, Mr Fowlie eventually resorted to simple diplomacy. ?You have your opinions, and you?ve expressed them here tonight. ?You now have an appropriate process to follow in making these opinions heard.? Company spokeswoman Jamie Devereux also stressed the extensive planning by NZ Communications to find the site for the tower. ?We haven?t just looked on Google Earth and picked a place out.???? Progress was eventually made by Hutt City councillor David Bassett, who suggested a discussion group comprising Maungaraki residents and NZ Communications representatives. Both sides were interested in the idea, although at the time of press it was not known how much progress had been made. The last day for submissions was October 7, with the first hearing set for five weeks later. The meeting was also attended by many members of the Hutt City Council, as well as local electoral candidates from several parties. NZ Communications is attempting to establish a third mobile phone network in New Zealand.