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? Jackson stores catch sustainability bug
? Bus service for poverty-stricken suburbs
? Old Bill keeps grass smooth at defunct club
? Eastbourne carnival spilling into the streets
? Is there a bowls club in heaven?
? Smoke and strobe give Eastbourne spin on Seuss
? Tears and hugs after 24-hour ride
? ?Why would they steal from us??
? Empire?s future in limbo
? Hutt health board hires twice as many managers as docs
? Jackson Street Mile could win Olympic support
? Rotary fair dodges bureaucratic bullet ? for now

Proposed regional bylaw adds pressure for lifejackets

Petone Herald readers can now have their say on Greater Wellington Regional Council?s proposed changes to its Regional Navigation and Safety Bylaws. The bylaws cover the safety of navigation and operating rules for all vessels in the council?s region, excluding rivers. It proposes mandatory use of lifejackets in vessels under six metres - unless the skipper considers it safe not to wear them - to put more pressure on the wearing of floatation devices. The proposed changes will also require all vessels to have a means of communication appropriate to the type of boating they are doing This will depend upon the vessel and the distance it is going. It would also restrict the use of blue and purple flashing lights to enforcement and rescue services to ensure consistency with national model bylaws. Harbour ranger Grant Nalder said the changes were to ensure the bylaws were consistent with national maritime rules and the national model navigation and safety bylaws developed by regional councils. The proposed bylaws can be viewed at - submissions must be received by 5pm, November 5. The last review of the bylaws was in 2003. SIDEBAR What other changes are proposed for the navigation and safety bylaw? It will formalise the requirements for plans to remove logs and other cargo dropped into the harbour to prevent them being a hazard to other vessels. It will provide clarification on radio reporting requirements for travelling Wellington harbour?s entrance and clearer radio listening requirements for all vessels at night and in restricted visibility.

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