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Spotlight on Wellington public transport

The Greater Wellington Council is encouraging Wellingtonians to take part in the first comprehensive review of public transport in the City for many years. Chairman of the Transport and Access Committee Peter Glensor said the review would look at public transport routes, when and how often services run, and how they connect with each other. ?We?re very keen to hear what people most like and most dislike about public transport in Wellington and the kinds of things that would encourage them to use public transport more often,? says Mr Glensor. The Council want to make services more efficient, which in turn will help make services more reliable, provide better access to services and improve connections between services, he says. ?At this stage of the review we are very interested in getting a clear idea of people?s key public transport needs and issues.? The review covers the urban areas of Wellington City, south of Grenada North. All households in the area covered by the review should have now received a brochure, containing a feedback form, in their letterboxes. People can give their feedback by returning the form or completing it online at Feedback is required by Monday 27 July. After feedback has been analysed Greater Wellington will work closely with the transport operators and Wellington City Council to propose a range of changes to services.
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