
? nc220709
? nc080709
? nc240609
?Hutt to be WHO safe community
?Wellington Bus stands entering the 21st Century
?Keeping your identity just for you
?Spotlight on Wellington public transport
?Cycle Tourism
?A warning for Wellingtonians
?Community GPs stretched
?Lack of foresight around 20-hour free childcare
?Local Maori writers? up for awards
?What?s the plot?
?Shining road reports across the way from Churton
?Council rate increases worthwhile?
?Northern Rugby on high
?Porirua ponders place names
?What?s that ugly thing beside the harbour?
?Keep Porirua Beautiful building ties
?Poor South Africans a focus for Porirua optometrist
?10 things you can do right now to start the transition to a lower-energy future

10 things you can do right now to start the transition to a lower-energy future

General: 1. Educate yourself on Peak Oil and Climate change. The Internet (Wikipedia) is a good place to start 2. Think about all the systems and things you rely on everyday and ask yourself how they would change in a crisis situation Housing 3. Take advantage of the EECA subsidies for insulating your house (up to $1300) or installing energy efficient heating ($500) 4. Put systems in place to collect and use rainwater and the free abundant energy of the sun, which you can do a lot using free, recycled materials Food 5. Liberate your lawn ? plant a vegetable garden, keep some hens ? enjoy free organic produce from your own backyard 6. Find out what you can buy locally ? support local business or a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) scheme Transport 7. Take advantage of public transport, car sharing ( or commuter schemes 8. Travel less or less far: rediscover family batches in New Zealand for a holiday, combine trips, and teleconference And finally 9. Buy lasting, quality, useful goods - or swap, reuse, repair, recycle 10. Meet your neighbors? and take an active role in your local community
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