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Cycle Tourism
By Markus Sawyer

July 1 2009 More cycle tourism activities are in the pipeline for the Kapiti Coast as part of the Regional Strategic Cycling Network plan for the Greater Wellington Region. 4.7 million dollars will be invested into more cycle and pathways in Porirua, Johnsonville and the Petone regions over the next 10 years, with work due to start on the Porirua stream to Tawa path and the Middleton Road to Glenside path in the next six months. The Greater Wellington Regional Council's environmental leader, Cr Celia Wade-Brown, says there's an enormous opportunity to develop more recreational tourism services in the region. "Many of the existing paths don't quite complete the route between regions. The initial investment is going to help join many of these cycle routes and pathways up so people can have a more useful experience". Cr Wade-Brown says there are plans to extend the network up the Kapiti Coast and to connect with the Hutt River Trail and into the Wairarapa. "You've only got to look at the huge success of New Plymouths waterfront trail or the Otago Rail Trail to see the potential for locals and visitors alike". Cr Wade-Brown says the planned Greater Wellington Way route, which covers an impressive 70km from Pencarrow around the Wellington Harbour before ending at Owhiro Bay, is proving popular with the community according to a public survey Cr Wade-Brown says she is working with local bike hire companies to service the inner city and regional demand for bikes the strategy will have.
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