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Storms and smashes add weight to Transmission Gully advocacy
By Jamie Melbourne-Hayward

Added pressure has been placed on the Government to speed up Transmission Gully following fatal accidents? and weekend weather that brought the capital?s transport arteries? to a standstill. Ohariu MP Peter Dunne says road safety is one aspect that would improve with the opening of Transmission Gully. ?With the highway running it will be safer; motorists and trucks using Transmission Gully will make it safer for Sunday drivers and people going place-to-place locally,? he says. Recent wild weather caused major road and rail blockages, and highlighted the issue of access to Wellington during emergencies. ?Wellington can become isolated in very bad weather. ?People say that in an emergency we won?t want to be going anywhere, but what about the need to get services in here?? says Mr Dunne. Labour MP for Mana Luamanuvao Winnie Laban is also calling on the government to speed up the Transmission Gully?s construction following fatal crashes at Grays Road in Porirua. ?[The crashes are] an opportunity to make another plea to the Minister of Transport Steven Joyce to move ahead with the Transmission Gully proposal. ?This is essential and would reduce traffic volumes greatly on Grays road and State Highway 58, and thereby reduce accidents," says Ms Laban. She is also urging Porirua Council to show leadership on tackling local road safety concerns. ?People fear for their lives and others' safety ? I was told by a local resident that accidents happen often during the day, sometimes twice a week. ?It is essential to reduce the speed limit,? she says. Ms Laban is asking Porirua City Council to meet with the Pauatahanui Resident's Association, NZ Transport Agency, police, recreational users and other concerned members of the local community to discuss improving safety on the ?treacherous piece of road?. The Government is committed to funding Transmission Gully as part of their ?roads of national importance? strategy and will announce plans for the highway before the end of the year, says Mr Dunne.
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