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? The unaffordable 5c plastic bag
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The unaffordable 5c plastic bag

In September Foodstuffs reported the 5c charge they introduced for plastic bags had reduced usage by 50 percent or 40 million bags.
However, the following month they decided to make optional the payment for plastic shopping bags in all New World supermarkets. In Whitby Village Centre the New World had few complainants about the charge says owner Dean Story.
?The charge was not a problem, but I think there are reasons behind the switch.
?We never had too many complaints and we certainly saw an increase in customers bringing reusable bags,? Mr Story says.
As long as the result is positive, he is supportive of Foodstuffs decision to make the charge optional. Some shoppers at Khandallah New World were so disdainful about the charge they placed all their items in the trolley and wheeled it to their car.
?There were more grumpy ones than happy ones, and in the end it built up so much that Foodstuffs had to cut it.
?We had so many complaints; people were saying they would take their business to the competition,? says Khandallah New World manager Roger Betham.
The money made from the charge went to charity, and situated in a wealthy area Mr Betham thought Khandallah customers would have backed the charges, not least for their environmental impact.
?This is a very wealthy area, and you can tell why they are wealthy.
?I think it was a good thing, I kind of wish it had of worked out. We are back to normal now and everyone is very, very happy about it,? he says.
Pak 'n Save Petone owner Leo O?Sullivan says without Woolworths onside the charges were never going to work.
?Without Woolworths onboard is was a fait accompli.
?New World is not a discounter, and people said if they wanted to pay for plastic bags they would go to Pak 'n Save, not New World,? says Mr O?Sullivan.
He says the phasing out of plastic bags is more complicated than simply charging for them. When the charge was introduced in Ireland the sale of plastic rubbish bags skyrocketed, and people would buy normal plastic bags for their trashcans.
?We want to be as light on the packaging as possible.
?People are green, but only if it doesn?t cost them.
?They saw it as a front, being told what they can and cannot do ? it will take time to change people, it won?t happen overnight,? he says.

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