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Story Image
An artist?s impression of the proposed restored frontage to the Khandallah Town Hall. ?Image prepared by Hunt Tennent Davies, the architects for the project.

1912 facade to boost Khandallah town centre revitalisation

Khandallah residents are backing themselves to restore the Town Hall?s original facade before centenary celebrations in 2012.
The Town Hall will become the centre piece of a town centre recently renewed by upgrade work, says Khandallah Forum chairperson Dermot Byrne.
?The town centre work is almost finished and has turned this place from a run-down, neglected area into a smart, vibrant shopping area,? Mr Byrne says.
For the 1912 vintage facade to become a reality $80,000 needs to be raised, says Mr Byrne.
Since the Cornerstone community centre was given notice to find new premises the Forum has been in discussion with the Wellington City Council about upgrading the Town Hall. The council has three main assets in the area; the Town Hall, the Library and the Cottage in Khandallah reserve.
The Town Hall is the only workable option for improvement because it?s presently underutilised by community groups and in need of an overhaul.
?The Town Hall has a very large area and if someone hires it for 10 people the whole building gets tied up.
?The hall was also a burden for rate payers ... we want to increase the number of people who are able to use the space,? he says.
The council committed $900,000 to revamp the Town Hall earlier in the year. The Cornerstone community centre will be incorporated into the revamped Town Hall, and act as administrators to help with promotions.
?This way we are combining the two ... someone can be at the Town Hall five days a week for five hours a day.
?We get the best of both worlds,? says Mr Byrne.
The Onslow Historic Society and Wellington North Rotary have supported the Town Hall revamp and Mr Byrne is counting on their continued assistance to see the project through. Councillor John Morrison is currently fundraising for the Hall and says the area benefits from a closer relationship with council.
?Over the past few years we have put a lot of effort into building closer ties with the community here,? Mr Morrison says.
Khandallah benefits by not being a thoroughfare and by having an established community, he says. On November 14-15 Pete Lamb Fishing and Monteiths Brewery Bar in Khandallah are running a fishing contest to fundraise for the Hall.
Presentations will take place at the Khandallah Town Hall on Sunday 15 November followed by an auction with the proceeds going to the Town hall restoration fund. To get involved phone John Morrison on 938 9350.






WORDS: 430


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