Whanau News is a quarterly magazine published by Presstige Community Newspapers Ltd for the benefit of the Wellington/Kapiti, Hutt Valley & Rimutaka/ Wairarapa Free Kindergarten Associations and their near 100 kindergartens.
The Associations are committed to providing education and support programmes which respect the dignity, rights, abilities, individuality, cultural values and learning styles of children, teachers, parents and management, while providing advice, support and professional development which will enhance the performance of teachers and management.
To complement those goals Whanau News provide an avenue for quality communication between the Associations, teachers and parents. Each of the kindergartens is allocated space in every issue, to present a newsletter informing parents of upcoming events, important information, timetables and contact details. In addition each issue, will contain 3–4 pages of editorial from the Associations of import to parents.
To further enhance the value of the publication and its retention for at least three months, each issue also contains serialised, topical and well researched articles to inform and engage parents.
Whanau News therefore represents an exceptional and cost effective medium to promote your business, products and services to this target market with a conservative advertising reach of 25,000 – 30,000 potential customers.
Presstige Community Newspapers is Wellington's largest independent publishing company.
Other specialisations include all forms of Print and Electronic media, right from original conception through to distribution of the final product. Our commitment to quality and customer service has resulted in an ever expanding collection of design, print and web services.