Season of renewal perfect for great holidays

One of the genuine pleasures of living in this great country is the sheer choice we have when it comes to holidays.

It’s probably something we take for granted – but every single season offers more choice than most other countries have in an entire year.

Winter, summer and autumn around New Zealand have all got incredible – and seasonally unique - things to do and places to go. And then of course, there’s spring.

This spring edition of NZ Holiday Hotspots celebrates the unique events on offer in the months filled with vigour and new growth – so important in a country that has strong links with the land.

Given these links with the land, spring must then surely give us the chance to travel and embrace the traditional events that have played such an important role in the lives of generations of kiwis.

We can travel to Wairarapa, Hawke’s Bay, Wanganui and discover, or rediscover, the joys of the good old kiwi A&P show. Gumboots, candy floss and hot dogs, carny rides and livestock judging – it’s quintessential kiwiana and it’s still as active and vital as it ever was.

And then as the months tilt towards summer there is that other wonderful tradition: Christmas celebrations. Main Street New Zealand is filled with the clamour and colour of the Christmas parade.

The best part is that these great celebrations take place in the biggest and smallest centres of the country. And you get just as much fun standing in the crowd of the Blenheim parade as you do in the throngs of Auckland’s Queen Street.

Of course alongside these great annual events are the remarkable concerts, shows and one-off events that are happening right around the country.

One of the things that readers will find in this publication is that there are exciting events happening everywhere throughout spring. Big name international performers can be found from the provinces to the big cities – all listed in NZ Holiday Hotspots.

And don’t forget the sport. From provincial rugby in Wanganui to international netball in Auckland the spring season truly marks the culmination of many of New Zealand’s most popular winter codes. So, from Nelson to Auckland, Blenheim to Hawke’s Bay, you can find an unforgettable and truly traditional escape from workaday life for yourself and your family.

Spring is the time of renewal. Spring is the time of new beginnings. Surely then, spring is the time for a great holiday.


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