Vibrant retirement villages keep the spark alive
North Wellington retirement homes are being enlivened by events that connect them to the wider community. A current television advert celebrating the Enliven Group?s 100th birthday features a resident from Aotea Home in Johnsonville playing with Newlands Cr?che children. Recreation manager Davina Rawiri says the advert highlights the homes growing links with the community. ?It?s great to build a relationship with Newlands Cr?che, they visit once a month and we go up there with the more able residents ? the under two year-olds are just great,? says Mrs Rawiri. Aotea is a 24/7 hospital-care home, and residents help grow herbs and vegetables in the courtyard, which are then used to prepare meals. Strawberries, lemon and orange trees and a variety of vegetables are being produced. ?That is really something their generation did for survival and they feel a connection to the work. ?They help water the plants, and in the colder months we bring in the trays for planting,? she says. Last week as part of their cultural day residents learned to make Roti rice in celebration of the Indian festival Diwali. ?We are starting now to feel the residents are more connected with the outside world than this time last year,? says Mrs Rawiri. Further north, Summerset Aotea retirement home in Papakowhai never lacks excitement. Manager Karen White was escorting a group along Jackson Street in Petone last week when The Northern Courier caught up with her. ?This is the first trip we have ever done here, and we go on them every month,? she says. Summerset is not a hospital-level home and has a very active residency. Two recent fundraising events held there were the ?If I was...? evening and the ?What not to wear? event. ?At the ?If I was? event we had residents dressed up as Rastafarians, and others as cross dressing couples, it was a real hoot. ?Both were well attended and really active events, we raised around $1800 for the Cancer Society ?That went towards purchasing a humidifier for cancer sufferers,? says Mrs White.