Eastbourne’ policing future decided

Publication: ph02052012

After months of uncertainty the police have appointed a new Eastbourne community constable and have decided how the area will covered.

Senior constable Dave Tweedale, currently Petone community constable, has been chosen for the Eastbourne job and starts later this month.

He replaces Constable Natalia Cooper who has been filling in since former community constable Ants Harmer left last year to join the Police Search and Rescue Squad.

Mr Harmer’s departure followed community concerns that police were planning to sell the police house on Muritai Rd and downgrade their presence in Eastbourne.

However, Hutt area commander inspector Mike Hill says the house is currently being converted into a police station. The conversion will also provide space for the Eastbourne Community Patrol and for volunteers who staff the station whenever the constable is not present. The station will also serve as a search and rescue base.

Although Mr Tweedale - unlike Mr Harmer - will not live in Eastbourne – Mr Hill says that does not mean policing in the area has been downgraded. “Our goal was to enhance the level of policing in Eastbourne. We’ve done that and will continue to do that."

Mr Hill says even when a community constable was resident in Eastbourne, the area often has no police presence, such as when the constable was called out of the area, was on leave or off duty. “We’ve always responded to incidents in Eastbourne.”

Even if the road around the bays is unusable, Mr Hill says police can fly in or come in by boat if required.

Eastbourne Community board chairman Derek Wilshere says residents will be disappointed the suburb will no longer have a resident community constable.  “It’s now up to police to gain the confidence of the Eastbourne community.”

Mr Wilshere is positive about Mr Tweedale’s appointment. “I think he’ll be good value. He’s a good guy.”