Rescue team needs new vehicle and recruits, businesses need to be prepared for quake

Publication: nc18072012

Wellington Emergency Response Team needs a major favour; they need a new vehicle and 10 new recruits.

The volunteer team receives some council funding but is looking for a core sponsor who can give them a vehicle, preferably a 4x4 ute, says Peter Dear.

This vehicle would take them to their training for NZQA qualifications in first aid and search and rescue.

They run simulations in piles of rubble and demolished buildings, and even enlist drama groups to act as injured victims.

“They are pretty good. You get worried they are actually hurt,” he says of the fake-blood-smeared actors.

This training has helped them be prepared when they were called into action after the Christchurch earthquake and Queensland floods.

Very few businesses seem to have learned the lessons from the Christchurch earthquake, says Graham Nel from Disaster Prepare Ltd.

“Most have some sort of preparations in place. But for most part, the majority of businesses are not adequately prepared,” he says.

Disaster Prepare has been helping local businesses prepare for an earthquake or other disasters in Wellington, by securing the contents of their buildings. 

“We start off the process with an Earthquake Safety Audit to hazards and make recommendations on how best to reduce the risks,” he says. 

"We then secure furnishings to reduce the risk of injury to building occupants and to ensure exits remain viable. 

"We also supply emergency equipment and train staff how to prepare for emergencies.  This includes site-specific information about tsunami evacuation routes or how to avoid other potential hazards after evacuating the building.” 

They have done a lot of work with local medical centres, as well as a broad range of businesses.

Wellington City Council will be holding meetings in July and August to discuss the safety of living and working in Wellington.

The council says only 4% of the central city's commercial space is earthquake-prone and new buildings in Wellington are three times more earthquake resilient than in Auckland.

If you want to donate a vehicle or volunteer with the  Wellington Emergency Response Team, email them at .

If your business needs a Earthquake Safety Audit, contact Graham Nel on 0800 2 QUAKE.