Advertising Details and Rates

Below are our standard advertising rates & common sizes & prices.

We are able to provide special deals to large advertisements, lengthy advertising campaigns & contracts.

All rates are subject to change, please contact us for accurate current pricing.

Standard Rates

Our standard advertising rate is
$11.45 + Gst per column centimetre for
mono advertisment.
(does not include premium placement.)


10 cm x 2 column (7.2cm)
$229.00 + GST
Double Buy: $370.00 + GST

10cm x 3 column (10.9cm)
$ 319.00 + GST
Double Buy: $515.00 + GST

15 cm x 3 column (10.9cm)
$ 449.00 + GST
Double Buy: $735.00 + GST

20 cm x 4 column (14.6cm)
$ 719.00 + GST
Double Buy: $1150.00 + GST

Half Tabloid Page
$1025.00 + GST
Double Buy: $1649.00 + GST

Full Tabloid Page
$1775.00 + GST
Double Buy: $2695.00 + GST

 *Prices subject to change, please contact us for the latest pricing and specials.